Thursday, September 27, 2007


In general, do Americans tend to whine and complain? I think so.

Do they shy away from taking action when asked to affect change? I think so.

Do we expect someone else to take care of our problems? I think so.

This poster illustrates the attitude of many in our country today. We are quick to judge and are quick to complain, but we are not quick to take action. Most people would rather sit back, enjoy a drink, watch TV, and complain about how we live in a quickly deteriorating society full of desperation and chaos.

What about doing something to change the current situation? Even if small actions are taken, people can be happier and can feel as if they are contributing members of society instead of dead weights expecting handouts.

Monday, September 10, 2007


Tracking the lives of people through words and images is a powerful way to document particular experiences. These photographs and written accounts are then shared with various audiences with the goal of evoking emotion.

The numerous slide shows posted on YouTube after the tragedy at Virginia Tech are an example of how a collection of images paired with music and words can bring the general public into the experience. I am a Virginia Tech alum and my brother is a current student, so the emotions ran high for me when I first viewed these compilations. I felt for the victims, their families, and the entire community who was shattered in a matter of moments. I still can't watch these slide shows without a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach.