Tuesday, March 28, 2006

No Offense or Anything...

The monthly parent mailing was to go out today. It's a pretty routine project. I include the school lunch menus, the calendar of events, various announcements, etc. But this month, our Head Master is including a letter to the parents.

Did you know that it can take up to four days to draft a one page letter? We have to be so careful. We can't offend anyone, so we must choose our words appropriately and pick over every single phrase, sentence, and paragraph. I have come to the conclusion that we could work on a letter for the entire school year, and it would still be offensive to someone. What if we just sent it out? What if we didn't proofread the letter for hours on end, wasting precious time and eyesight? What if eight people out of the 500 on our mailing list were offended? Would it be so bad? Would our annual fund numbers drop? Would people pull their kids out of school? Would we be the topic of discussion in the carpool line? In my opinion....NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Yes, we should have proper grammar and all, but say what you want to say! Be upfront. Get your point across. Don't sweat the small stuff!

Thanks for letting me vent. The day has been full of frustration. And...the mailing did not go out. WHOHOO!!

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