Our class discussion last week focused on the relationship between words and images. Do photos really need a caption? Can pictures exist on their own? As a reader, do you feel the need to know what each image is all about? Some of us felt that captions were absolutely necessary. Others felt that words got in the way, tainting a particular photo.

Look at the examples provided and ask yourself whether or not a caption would be beneficial. These photos are some of the most famous in modern history and are ones we've all seen in one publication or another.
If a caption was added to either of these photos, would you feel more informed? Do you think these images beg for words? I believe each of these examples can stand alone. The only thing that may help is simply a "place & time" caption. Anything else would be extraneous. To see more famous images, visit: http://www.worldsfamousphotos.com.
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