Sunday, May 14, 2006
The Blogging Experience
I was not a blogger prior to this class, nor did I read many other blogs. But now I find myself checking the posts of my classmates, and I've stumbled upon other blogs of personal interest while searching the web. I think I'm going to keep publishing on my blog after this class, so stay tuned!
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
The Garden Club

If you or anyone you know is in a Garden Club, I apologize in advance for what I am about to say.
Now that I got that out of the way, I feel comfortable ranting and raving about the intruders we had at our school yesterday. We are fortunate to have some beautiful spaces on campus for special events and often times, groups from around the area rent the space for their personal use. Well, the Hardy Garden Club were our guests yesterday, although they acted as if they owned the joint. They were holding an interpretive flower arranging contest inspired by classic books. One woman had four flower arrangements on display which depicted the story of Little Women. How do you arrange flowers to reflect a plot? Well these women did. I must admit the arrangements were gorgeous, but the women were unreal. I was walking around taking in the beauty of the flora when I was approached by a nun/librarian/scary old neighbor-looking woman. She said, "Excuse me, you can't be in here. We are judging right now. Do you work here?" Do I work here? I was getting more upset by the minute. Then she said, "If you are a teacher, you can come back around 1:30." Listen Old Maid, you are our guest, we are not yours. I just walked away because I knew I was going to get belligerent. I wanted to snap off a bloom from one of the arrangements, but I took the high road.
In summary, I'm not a huge fan of garden clubs. It seems to be a bunch of snobby women with nothing better to do than cut peonies, roses, and lilies.
Monday, May 08, 2006
Become Your Own Detective
It's amazing what you can find on the web. We've all heard that phrase enough times, but it's true! If you are looking for a home or if you are getting ready to sell, check out this website I recently found:
This site allows you to look up real estate prices in Maryland. Type in the address of the property you are scoping, and you can see who currently owns it, how much they paid for it, and how much land they have. Or if you want to know what that pretentious, self-centered couple from down the street paid for their home, you can find that too!
This site allows you to look up real estate prices in Maryland. Type in the address of the property you are scoping, and you can see who currently owns it, how much they paid for it, and how much land they have. Or if you want to know what that pretentious, self-centered couple from down the street paid for their home, you can find that too!
Friday, May 05, 2006
Party in the Lab
I went to the graphics lab last night to do my dreaded iMovie, and it was like a Words & Images reunion. Our class poured into the room to take a reluctant seat at the computer with the knowledge they would be in front of it for at least 3-4 hours. I have to say, this iMovie experience was much better than the first. I figured out that the computer I used for my first iMovie had a different version of the program which caused me to cuss at it. Caroline used that same computer last night and had to switch machines just so she could change the timing of her clips. I know this software if free, but for shit's sake! Let's get some consistency here, please.
Two more weeks, just two more weeks. Lunch on Sunday anyone?
Two more weeks, just two more weeks. Lunch on Sunday anyone?
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
I walk into my apartment building after work and I check the mail. Half of the mail is credit card offers. The other half is CATALOGS! I get more catalogs than anyone else in the building...why is that?!?! I did not sign up for most of them, but I get J. Crew, Red Envelope, Storehouse Furniture, Domino (which I subscribe to, so it's excused), Reader's Digest (which was a gift, also excused), L.L. Bean, White House Black Market, Hecht's, Lands' End, Pottery Barn, Crate & Barrel...the list is endless. I flip through most of them as a way to relax after work, but I should really just toss them. But no, I put them in the magazine rack in my bedroom to collect dust and take up room!
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Baked Ziti in a Toaster?

For the process show and tell, I brought in the manual for my toaster oven. I had no idea I could be confused when trying to operate a kitchen appliance with only two knobs to turn, but the manual taught me otherwise. The manual is split into the "operations" section and the "recipe" section. I can toast a piece of bread from light (setting 1) to dark (setting 10). I can broil a chicken breast or a flank steak. I can make mexican bean dip, sea bass, and who knew, BAKED ZITI in my toaster. It's an amazing piece of machinery. I highly recommend the it if you are ready to give your microwave or oven a break.
Friday, April 28, 2006
Suffering from Writer's Block, Lack of Creativity, Whatever You Want to Call It
MY BRAIN IS DEAD...D-E-A-D, DEAD. Thank God it's Friday! I think this brochure is officialy the worst piece I've turned in yet. I can't think of anything good to write, let alone "classify." And on top of all that, we have to work on our iMovie next week. Three more weeks, just three more weeks. That is what I keep telling myself. It still seems like an eternity, though. Time flies when you're having fun...enough said!
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Logo Changes
It seems we all agree that UB missed the mark when they lauched their new logo, commercials, print media, etc. Much of what the university was hoping to achieve with the new look is unrealistic in my opinion. No one can rely soley on a marketing campaign or a new logo to change the face of an organization. Changes need to happen internally and those changes need to be made public. Potential students will not choose UB for it's logo, slogan, or commercials. They will select the school because of it's quality programs, it's flexible scheduling, and it's overall reputation. This reputation stems from how the university functions as well as the results (graduates) it produces. This reputation can be enhanced by a logo, but it cannot be created by one.
Monday, April 24, 2006
Classification Show & Tell

Calvert School puts out an annual magazine called "Reflections." We mail to about 4000 alumni, friends, parents, etc. In the back of this piece, we publish alumni notes which are sent in by our faithful supporters. These "notes" list accomplishments, births, recent trips, and other major "life happenings." We group these notes according to graduation year.
Friday, April 21, 2006
View Book Angst
Has anyone ever put together a view book for an organization...a non-profit, a small business, a school? I started the project for Calvert School over a year ago, and sad to say, it is still not complete as I sit here typing this blog.
There is so much to consider: What children should we include? How diverse should we appear? Is this diversity forced? How can we change the perception of the school without changing the traditions that make it strong? Should we use our school colors? Should we have inserts to explain our curriculum, our faculty, our admissions process? The list could go on for pages.
The proofs we've received look outstanding, in my opinion. But then the administration gets involved and they want to make a little change here and another change there. All of a sudden, the piece you thought was so beautiful is being torn to shreds. Back to the drawing board!
There is so much to consider: What children should we include? How diverse should we appear? Is this diversity forced? How can we change the perception of the school without changing the traditions that make it strong? Should we use our school colors? Should we have inserts to explain our curriculum, our faculty, our admissions process? The list could go on for pages.
The proofs we've received look outstanding, in my opinion. But then the administration gets involved and they want to make a little change here and another change there. All of a sudden, the piece you thought was so beautiful is being torn to shreds. Back to the drawing board!
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
A Few Of My Favorite Things
The weather has been spectacular this week! Every morning I wake up to the bright sun, the birds chirping, and the sweet smell of cherry trees. Here are a few of my favorite things about Spring:
Happy Spring, everyone!
- Watching rec league softball and baseball games
- Eating crabs outside on the deck
- Going out on the boat
- Taking day trips to St. Michael's
- Getting snowballs (spearmint with marshmallow is my favorite!)
- Wearing flip-flops
- Getting new shoes (I do that every season!)
- Planning summer vacations
- Breathing fresh air
- Drinking outside
- Going fishing on chilly mornings
- Finishing this 6-credit class!!
Happy Spring, everyone!
Monday, April 17, 2006
Fun Blog
The blog I discovered is called "Overheard in New York." Check it out at
People who hear bits and pieces of conversations post the banter on this site. The location of these comical exchanges is listed as well. Some of them are quite offensive and others are downright hilarious. Give it some time when you have a free moment.
People who hear bits and pieces of conversations post the banter on this site. The location of these comical exchanges is listed as well. Some of them are quite offensive and others are downright hilarious. Give it some time when you have a free moment.
Sunday, April 16, 2006
I basically ate my way through today starting with eggs, toast and sausage at 10AM. I then went to my mom's house for other sweet treats...jelly beans, peanut butter eggs, and chocolate covered strawberries. No Easter would be complete without paying a visit to my grandmother and grandfather. My grandmom has more candy sitting out than the Wockenfuss store. I couldn't just turn my nose up at it! So I took a piece...ok, maybe I took a little more than that. My final stop of the day was at my boyfriend's mom's place. We had ham, pineapple stuffing, green bean caserole, cornbread, scalloped potatoes, and candied yams. You would think I would be stuffed by now, but all of that was earlier today. I've been home since about 6PM. Now it's 8:00 and I think I'm hungry. Is that possible?
I hope everyone had a restful Easter with family and friends. And I hope you had plenty to eat!
I hope everyone had a restful Easter with family and friends. And I hope you had plenty to eat!
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
On the Verge...
I am feeling very overwhelmed this week. The cause and effect project could cause me to a) pull my hair out: b) throw myself in front of a MTA bus; c) drown my sorrows with $1 rail drinks from Baja...ok, so I won't go that far, but you get the picture. Work is hectic right now too. I am working on three different publications, all of which have a deadline of May 15th. It's a crazy time, and I feel like a hamster on a squeaky wheel, running as fast as I can but not really getting anywhere.
I will say that the Memorial Day weekend trip to Vegas is a useful motivational tool! I think of Sin City and know that if I just hang on for a few more weeks, I will be well-rewarded!
I will say that the Memorial Day weekend trip to Vegas is a useful motivational tool! I think of Sin City and know that if I just hang on for a few more weeks, I will be well-rewarded!
Monday, April 10, 2006
Nice Try, BGE

BGE and Constellation Energy have been at the center of a rate hike controversy for several months now. The energy conglomerate wants to increase costs to consumers by over 70%. Obviously many individuals, groups, and now the government are up in arms. Regulation of this monopoly is needed and Marylanders are searching for relief.
Look at what BGE has done! Not only do they run over 20 commercials a day on radio and TV to tell you how you can cut energy costs (the suggestions they provide are ridiculous, in my opinion), they are now showing this friendly guy coming to your house to fix your appliances at no cost! I don't believe this for a second. Look at the tagline at the bottom of the ad: "The smart way to protect your budget against costly and unexpected repair bills." So save money on repairs, but prepare to be bent over and violated when your electric bill shows up!
Friday, April 07, 2006
Stopped in My Tracks
I was rolling along with a new design concept I've been working on when my screen flickered a few times and went to black. Damn it!! I called our IT department and Fred came to my rescue only to tell me that my motherboard has gone bad and I will have to wait until Tuesday to resume normal operations. TUESDAY???? Do you know how long that is in the life of a designer and internet surfer? So I'm working on a laptop loaner with limited access to my files. It's Friday, and I can't do any work...what a shame!
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Deal or No Deal
Is anyone else obsessed with the NBC gameshow Deal or No Deal? It is hosted by Howie Mandel, who I could do without, but the contestants are priceless. Basically, you are shown 26 cases containing money amounts ranging from $.01 to $1,000,000. To start, you choose five cases to see what number is contained in each. As each number is shown, it is eliminated from the game board. Throughout the process, there is a banker who sits up in this booth. He calls Howie every so often to make deals with you. He offers a certain amount of money based on the amounts that have already been selected and the cases that are still left to choose. Get the jist?
Anyway, I just watched a guy settle for $44,000 and a PONY! The show knew that this guy's daughter really wanted a pony, and according to the New Jersey contestant (named Hans), his daughter always gets whatever she wants. So hey, why not bring a pony on stage for her. HE TOOK THE DEAL!! And he had a good chance to walk away with $200,000 in his pocket.
One last are allowed to bring three people with you to stand on the stage and help you make "deal decisions." He brought his mom and his two best friends (who were stright out of Animal House). Oh, and I almost forgot: he also brought his two goldfish! How in the hell did he get two fish to Hollywood from NJ? My guess is that he just bought them at a pet store on the way to the taping.
Tune in on Mondays or Wednesdays at 8PM. If nothing else, you'll be mildly entertained for an hour.
Anyway, I just watched a guy settle for $44,000 and a PONY! The show knew that this guy's daughter really wanted a pony, and according to the New Jersey contestant (named Hans), his daughter always gets whatever she wants. So hey, why not bring a pony on stage for her. HE TOOK THE DEAL!! And he had a good chance to walk away with $200,000 in his pocket.
One last are allowed to bring three people with you to stand on the stage and help you make "deal decisions." He brought his mom and his two best friends (who were stright out of Animal House). Oh, and I almost forgot: he also brought his two goldfish! How in the hell did he get two fish to Hollywood from NJ? My guess is that he just bought them at a pet store on the way to the taping.
Tune in on Mondays or Wednesdays at 8PM. If nothing else, you'll be mildly entertained for an hour.
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Typography Show & Tell

Here are a few examples of typography that I found when thumbing through my magazine collection. I found the first one in the october 2005 issue of HOW Magazine. This example not only showcases different typefaces; it tells a story. I thought the second example was great because the typefaces seem to mimic the names they were given. I found these fonts for available for purchase in the Veer Visual Elements Catalog (March 2006).

Definition Show & Tell
One of the composition assignments in the second grade at Calvert School is to define a color. Children can write about their color of choice and are encouraged to mention how the color relates to the five senses. Here are a few examples:
Orange is the color of a pumpkin glowing at night.
Juicy fruit and a tiger's stripes are orange.
Orange is the smell of raw carrots.
The taste of mashed squash is orange.
Orange is the sound of drums playing at a concert.
Orange is the feeling of being warm in my bed.
Silver is the color of a slimy salamander.
My fake sword and rain gutters on my house are silver.
Silver is the smell of burning metal.
The taste of ice-cold water from a spring is silver.
Silver is the sound of a triangle in an orchestra.
Silver is the feeling of excitement when I am looking forward to a sleepover.
Orange is the color of a pumpkin glowing at night.
Juicy fruit and a tiger's stripes are orange.
Orange is the smell of raw carrots.
The taste of mashed squash is orange.
Orange is the sound of drums playing at a concert.
Orange is the feeling of being warm in my bed.
Silver is the color of a slimy salamander.
My fake sword and rain gutters on my house are silver.
Silver is the smell of burning metal.
The taste of ice-cold water from a spring is silver.
Silver is the sound of a triangle in an orchestra.
Silver is the feeling of excitement when I am looking forward to a sleepover.
Friday, March 31, 2006
The Master of Narration
We headed to the Hippodrome last night for Brian Regan's comedy show. It was fantastic! Talk about narration...this guy is one of the best storytellers around. I've seen him on Comedy Central a few times, but live, he is unstoppable. My cheeks hurt after the show because I was doubled over with laughter throughout his entire bit. Think about how hard it must be to memorize a series of jokes. In addition, you have to read your audience each night and decide which jokes you're going to pull out of your magic hat. The delivery is also key. You can't just stand on stage and let jokes spew from your lips. You have to have good expression, feeling, and gestures. Brian Regan had it all...outstanding show.
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
No Offense or Anything...
The monthly parent mailing was to go out today. It's a pretty routine project. I include the school lunch menus, the calendar of events, various announcements, etc. But this month, our Head Master is including a letter to the parents.
Did you know that it can take up to four days to draft a one page letter? We have to be so careful. We can't offend anyone, so we must choose our words appropriately and pick over every single phrase, sentence, and paragraph. I have come to the conclusion that we could work on a letter for the entire school year, and it would still be offensive to someone. What if we just sent it out? What if we didn't proofread the letter for hours on end, wasting precious time and eyesight? What if eight people out of the 500 on our mailing list were offended? Would it be so bad? Would our annual fund numbers drop? Would people pull their kids out of school? Would we be the topic of discussion in the carpool line? In my opinion....NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Yes, we should have proper grammar and all, but say what you want to say! Be upfront. Get your point across. Don't sweat the small stuff!
Thanks for letting me vent. The day has been full of frustration. And...the mailing did not go out. WHOHOO!!
Did you know that it can take up to four days to draft a one page letter? We have to be so careful. We can't offend anyone, so we must choose our words appropriately and pick over every single phrase, sentence, and paragraph. I have come to the conclusion that we could work on a letter for the entire school year, and it would still be offensive to someone. What if we just sent it out? What if we didn't proofread the letter for hours on end, wasting precious time and eyesight? What if eight people out of the 500 on our mailing list were offended? Would it be so bad? Would our annual fund numbers drop? Would people pull their kids out of school? Would we be the topic of discussion in the carpool line? In my opinion....NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Yes, we should have proper grammar and all, but say what you want to say! Be upfront. Get your point across. Don't sweat the small stuff!
Thanks for letting me vent. The day has been full of frustration. And...the mailing did not go out. WHOHOO!!
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Road Trip
This past Saturday, my boyfriend and I went to the outlets in Hagerstown for some Spring shopping. If you've never made the trip, it is well worth it. You can find great deals on shoes, purses, jewelry, bank account takes a major hit every time we go!
Anyway, let me get to the point of this story. We were craving Burger King fries, so we pulled off of the interstate to grab a quick bite. The minute I walked through the front door I knew this fast food experience was going to be like no other. Have you ever seen a themed BK? I haven't, so I was overwhelmed by the 50s diner I had just entered. The booths were shaped liked cadillacs with sprawling pink leather seats. The ceiling was covered with neon records and the music was blaring from the juke box. Kids were dancing, parents were singing...I could not get over it! I felt like I was at a sock hop. My boyfriend said, "Do you think this is where people hang out on Friday nights?" Since we seemed to be in the middle of nowhere, I'd have to say his estimation is not too far off! This BK diner would never survive in Baltimore, but I think the people in this western Maryland town couldn't survive without it!
Anyway, let me get to the point of this story. We were craving Burger King fries, so we pulled off of the interstate to grab a quick bite. The minute I walked through the front door I knew this fast food experience was going to be like no other. Have you ever seen a themed BK? I haven't, so I was overwhelmed by the 50s diner I had just entered. The booths were shaped liked cadillacs with sprawling pink leather seats. The ceiling was covered with neon records and the music was blaring from the juke box. Kids were dancing, parents were singing...I could not get over it! I felt like I was at a sock hop. My boyfriend said, "Do you think this is where people hang out on Friday nights?" Since we seemed to be in the middle of nowhere, I'd have to say his estimation is not too far off! This BK diner would never survive in Baltimore, but I think the people in this western Maryland town couldn't survive without it!
Friday, March 24, 2006
What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas...
It's Friday!! I've gotten up early every morning (damn job), but I haven't done an ounce of school work all liberating!
I stuck around Baltimore for Spring Break (here comes that damn job thing again), but I did book a trip to Vegas for Memorial Day weekend! The vacation can't come soon enough!
I stuck around Baltimore for Spring Break (here comes that damn job thing again), but I did book a trip to Vegas for Memorial Day weekend! The vacation can't come soon enough!
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Real-Life Sopranos

Tell me a good story, and I'll be enthralled for hours. It's interesting to hear other people's life experiences. It entertains me and allows me to look at things differently.
I chose "The Enforcer" for my example of narration. This book is about Nicky Spilotro, the Chicago mob boss who represented the Windy City in Vegas. The story is told by William F. Roemer, Jr., an FBI agent who disabled the Chicago mob in the late 70s. He dealt with organized crime for nearly 30 years, and his first-hand accounts of this sleezy lifestyle make the book come alive. I couldn't put it down. It was suspenseful, intruiging, and at times, downright scary. Here is an excerpt:
"Anthony, called Tony by his neighbors, attended Burbank Elementary School, not St. John Bosco, the Catholic School in the neighborhood. Later, the nuns at St. John Bosco would be happy he had not been one of theirs, though perhaps it would have made a difference.
But six boys were a lot to look after and take care of, even if Patsy and Antoinette hadn't owned a restaurant that required much of their attention. Several of their sons began spending time with the wrong crowd, with older boys who had more money and glamour than those who were harder-working and law-abiding. The allure of the easy life was there, and young impressionable boys like Tony Spilotro were taken in by it. Slowly, he chose to be corrupted."
Friday, March 17, 2006
Who Let the Dogs Out

I tried to resist the temptation as long as I could, but I am caving to the pressure. It seems like our class is full of cat people, so I'm changing it up a bit with a photo of my dog. His name is Scooter and he is a seven year old pug. He has a personality all his own, and is the true alpha male. He loves to sun himself on warm Spring days and could be considered a master-sleeper. Scooter's favorite foods are cheese, peanuts, and Fisher's popcorn.
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
iFrustrated with iMovie
This project is testing my patience, my nerves, and my brain. Taking the photos and selecting the music was clearly the easy part. Now, I'm struggling to drag my butt to the Graphics Lab to wrap things up. I hope this process works smoothly, but I have a feeling I'm going to hit some speed bumps along the way. Oh well, if it doesn't kill me, it will make me stronger!
Sunday, March 12, 2006
1000 Words

Images have power. Some photographs and illustrations can stand on their own. No words are needed to accompany them. The message is clear and it stirs the emotions of the viewer.
None of us will ever forget the horrific events of 9/11. The imagery is burned into our brains. These photos are just two examples of how people reacted that day. Civilians were running for their lives and wanted to reach a safe place as quickly as possible. The emergency and fire crews of New York City did just the opposite. They faced the crisis head-on and marched into the debris to help recover anyone they could find.
Saturday, March 11, 2006
Spring Fever

What a gorgeous day! I escaped from work a few hours early and headed to Miami Beach. Did you know we have our own Miami Beach right here in Baltimore County? It is located at the end of Bowley's Quarters Road and it is worth the trip. We put our flip-flops on, we grabbed a loaf of bread, and we headed to the beach to feed the seagulls, play in the sand, and dip our toes into the chilling waters! What a day! I hope Spring is here to stay!
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Don't Be "That Guy"
I went to a seminar tonight which was supposed to help me find free lance work, but instead taught me how to find a job in the corporate arena through networking. It was helpful, but it was not exactly what I signed up for.
Funny know when you're sitting in class (or a seminar, in this case) and without fail, there is always "that guy" who has to raise his hand and ask another question or broadcast his brilliance to the crowd? Well, tonight was no exception. The person sitting next to me felt the need to comment on damn near everything the speaker had to say. Whether it was a question or a clarification, it wouldn't stop. It got to the point where it was comical. You saw that hand go up in the air and you knew something ridiculous was about to be said! The best line of the night was, "I've been in therapy for years and I've learned never to take criticism personally." Wow!!
To give you a better idea of what the therapist has to deal with...this person reached into a bag half way through the talk, pulled out a packet of Nicorette gum....AND a retractable box cutter!!! In case you are wondering, it was used to cut the piece of gum from its plastic compartment...SCARY! I decided to keep my facial expressions and my snickering to a minimum after that.
Could this be an idea for our narration project?
Funny know when you're sitting in class (or a seminar, in this case) and without fail, there is always "that guy" who has to raise his hand and ask another question or broadcast his brilliance to the crowd? Well, tonight was no exception. The person sitting next to me felt the need to comment on damn near everything the speaker had to say. Whether it was a question or a clarification, it wouldn't stop. It got to the point where it was comical. You saw that hand go up in the air and you knew something ridiculous was about to be said! The best line of the night was, "I've been in therapy for years and I've learned never to take criticism personally." Wow!!
To give you a better idea of what the therapist has to deal with...this person reached into a bag half way through the talk, pulled out a packet of Nicorette gum....AND a retractable box cutter!!! In case you are wondering, it was used to cut the piece of gum from its plastic compartment...SCARY! I decided to keep my facial expressions and my snickering to a minimum after that.
Could this be an idea for our narration project?
Monday, March 06, 2006
What's the Word Dirty Bird
When we were asked to come up with a list of our favorite words, I immediately thought of the ones I hate! Here they are:
- Creamy
- Crusty
- Lucious
These words sound gross to me, and I have stricken them from my vocabulary!
Now for some language I love:
- Adventure
- Perspective
- Cinnamon
- Infinity
- Anonymity
- Humdinger
- Independence
- Ecstasy
- Inspiration
- Matriculation
- Phenomenon
- Gratification
- Irony
- Hilarity
- Stamina
- Delicious
- Tantalizing
- Breathtaking
- Savory
- Stellar
- Rich
- Beauteous
- Ubiquitous
- Vivacious
- Scandalous
- Superfluous
- Idealistic
- Delectable
- Satisfying
- Manhandle
- Abhor
- Circumvent
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
My Own Worst Enemy
Most of us are in the communications field, right?!? Whether it is graphic arts, web design, writing, or editing, we pay attention to some things other people may never consider. I find myself critiquing magazine layouts, solicitations, direct mail pieces, billboards...the list never ends. Why can't I just look at a piece of design and see it for what it is instead of immediately ripping it to shreds? Why can't I just let it be? ANSWER: Because I'm critical...or anal...or crazy...or my own worst enemy...pick one!
I got a capital campaign solicitation piece in the mail yesterday. Should I give money to my elementary school? Oh sure! But first, let me analyze the layout, ponder the color choice, examine the resolution of the photos, and decide whether or not I like the font choice. WHO DOES THIS??? You guessed it...I do!
I got a capital campaign solicitation piece in the mail yesterday. Should I give money to my elementary school? Oh sure! But first, let me analyze the layout, ponder the color choice, examine the resolution of the photos, and decide whether or not I like the font choice. WHO DOES THIS??? You guessed it...I do!
Sunday, February 26, 2006
How Do I Choose?

Working with paper vendors has been an enlightening experience for me. I get showered with samples and have the daunting task of choosing what material will work best for each job we send to the printer. For our compare and contrast show and tell, I chose a paper swatch book containing "paper with personality" from the Neenah Paper Company. They prides themselves on providing the client with distinctive, classic options, adding a personal warmth to communication. It begins to get a bit overwhelming when you start to compare the different colors, weights, and textures, but I like learning about the available options. Small differences in finish or texture can make a huge difference to the overall look and feel of your piece. If anyone is interested in taking a look at any sample books, I have plenty!!!
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Take Me Away

Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Young Artists
Working at a school has given me the invaluable opportunity to be surrounded by children whose brains are racing around the clock. I often stop in their art class to see the latest creations and am consistently amazed by their creativity and their project execution. The students influence my own work and encourage me to think simply. Some of the best work comes from the simplest idea. It is all in how the children choose to execute their thoughts. Even those students who are not "naturals" come up with some brilliant work. I have to admit: the children are my favorite source of inspiration.
Sunday, February 19, 2006
Show & Tell #1
For the description show and tell, I chose a Robert Frost poem titled, "Stars":
How countlessly they congregate
O'er our tumultuous snow,
Which flows in shapes as tall as trees
When wintry winds do blow!-
As if with keeness for our fate,
Our faltering few steps on
To white rest, and a place of rest
Invisible at dawn,-
And yet with neither love nor hate,
Those stars like some snow-white
Minerva's snow-white marble eyes
Without the gift of sight.
This poem brings crisp images to mind: a cold winter night with a clear sky, a blanket of white on the hillsides, the perfect conditions for star-gazing. Frost compares the stars to the eyes of Minerva, the goddess of wisdom. But these "eyes" do not have the gift of sight. The powerful imagery suggests that even stars are a bit vulnerable.
How countlessly they congregate
O'er our tumultuous snow,
Which flows in shapes as tall as trees
When wintry winds do blow!-
As if with keeness for our fate,
Our faltering few steps on
To white rest, and a place of rest
Invisible at dawn,-
And yet with neither love nor hate,
Those stars like some snow-white
Minerva's snow-white marble eyes
Without the gift of sight.
This poem brings crisp images to mind: a cold winter night with a clear sky, a blanket of white on the hillsides, the perfect conditions for star-gazing. Frost compares the stars to the eyes of Minerva, the goddess of wisdom. But these "eyes" do not have the gift of sight. The powerful imagery suggests that even stars are a bit vulnerable.
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