Wednesday, March 01, 2006

My Own Worst Enemy

Most of us are in the communications field, right?!? Whether it is graphic arts, web design, writing, or editing, we pay attention to some things other people may never consider. I find myself critiquing magazine layouts, solicitations, direct mail pieces, billboards...the list never ends. Why can't I just look at a piece of design and see it for what it is instead of immediately ripping it to shreds? Why can't I just let it be? ANSWER: Because I'm critical...or anal...or crazy...or my own worst enemy...pick one!

I got a capital campaign solicitation piece in the mail yesterday. Should I give money to my elementary school? Oh sure! But first, let me analyze the layout, ponder the color choice, examine the resolution of the photos, and decide whether or not I like the font choice. WHO DOES THIS??? You guessed it...I do!

1 comment:

Isela said...

I am right there with you!
Yesterday my office went to the local burger joint and on the counter were ads for franchising with this place. I picked it up and immediately noticed that the huge burger on the front was pixelated!